
January 21, 2009

SEO Tips For Your Blog

In a simple way, SEO or Search Engine Optimization for blog is a technique to maximize your blog page rank in search engine. More higher your blog position in search engine (example : Google search engine), the chance to get more traffic to the blog is getting bigger.

In SEO, there are two important things you must consider:
1.On-page optimization
2.Off-page optimization

On-page optimization techniques:

A. Blog Attribute, includes :
-Domain name
The domain name is the URL address of your blog. Although the role has in SEO, but at this time a domain name is no longer considered as the main element of SEO. This means you do not need too obsessed to enter the keywords as the domain name. It will be better when you try to create a catchy domain name, easy to remember and easy to be vocalized.

-Blog name
Blog name can be the same, but can also vary with the domain name of your blog. In SEO, the blog name has an important role. It is good ideas to create your blog’s name in accordance with the keywords you choose. However, do not create a blog name that is difficult to remember, too generic or too long. A maximum of 80 characters only.

-Meta tag
Meta tag is a summary of contents and keywords in your blog. Long description meta tag should be no more than 80 characters.

-Layout and blog design
Blog design and layout (theme) has important value in SEO. Most blog platforms at this time has been a SEO-friendly. However, as a key, you must review the structure of the code. That the content must always be at the top of the parts rather than the other.

In SEO, the picture will be a value attribute, especially for images search results through search engines. The length of the image attribute should not more than 40 characters.

-HTML attribute
HTML attributes mainly related to the structure of heading HTML tags. Structure heading H-1, H-2, or H-3 as the level of interest in the title of the content will be distinctive value in SEO.

B. Content Attribute, includes:
- Keywords
Keyword is a word which is the main topic or idea in an article in the blog. In SEO, the presence of keyword in the content has important value. Through this keyword, search engine will provide the value of an article or blog in results search engine (Search Engine Result Pages). More accurate the number and the choice of keywords used, the better chance search engine optimization can be given.

-Keywords Number
High density or the number of keywords depends on the length of a short article. However, as a guide, in each article must have at least 2-5 keywords. Too many keywords in an article would give a negative effect because it likely will be considered as spam by the search engine content.

-Keywords Variation
In addition to the amount, the key factor is SEO keyword variations. When writing the content, the keywords should not exactly the same and just re-started again. Instead of a re-repeat the same words, would be better if you write variations or synonyms of keywords. This is in addition to prevent the stigma spam content by search engines, will also enrich the keyword.

-Keywords Position
As a guide, the position of your keywords should be in the first sentence in the first paragraph, and in the last paragraph. However, it's good that the content of the article remain natural, keyword body parts scattered on the article itself.

Off-page optimization techniques:

A.Back link Number
Backlink is a link that comes from other blogs to your blog. As more and more quality backlink give a link to your blog, it will also give better effect on your blog SERP ranking in search engines. You can get a backlink to the way:

- Request a backlink to another blogger
- Exchange links with other bloggers
- Create a backlink from dummy own blog
- Do linkbait
- Writing quality content that other bloggers would voluntarily give backlink to you

B.Back link quality
Good quality of backlink have characteristics as follows:

- Comes from the same topic blog
- The authority comes from the blog (at least 7 PR)
- One-way backlink
- Does not come from a link-farm

C.Natural Back link

Natural backlink is backlink given to a blog with characteristics as follows:

- Links are put in the sentence (not in blogrol)
- A variation of keywords
- A combination of inbound and outbound links
- The link does not come from the same IP
- Link a deep linking (link to the article page and not to the home page)

By doing or check points for key SEO blog above, your efforts to maximize the ranking position in the SERP (Search Engine Result Pages) will certainly get results that you expect.


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